Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Faitherine Swan

She was just a simple girl who always wondered who her true love was. She dated her best friend of four years but never felt a spark with him. She treated Zayn as her own brother. When they were officially together, it felt too awkward for her.

"No more jokes, please!" Zayn told Faith.
"You should have seen the look on your face! You were totally speechless!" Faith laughed so hard.
"You asking for a break-up and going steady with Harry is not funny! I could have killed Harry if it was really happening. Stop laughing!" 

Harry was their best friend. They loved to go out together. They practically did everything together. 

"Aww, come on! Harry is your best friend, OUR best friend. He will never betray you like that!" Faith said, still laughing.
"He was in love with you before. It could have been real, you know! Babe, stop laughing!"
"But I chose you, didn't I?"
"Well, true."
"Smack that grin off your face!"

Zayn had always been jealous of Harry since forever. Harry was not only cute but was naturally kind and very patient. Faith was only 13 going on 14. However, she felt this love could last even though she didn't feel a spark with him. She wanted Zayn to be hers forever. She always did.

Christopher Hamilton 

He believed that when anyone does something bad towards him, revenge awaits. He never let anyone go that easily. He was in love. He was deeply in love with Lydia. After they had been together for 5 months, he tattooed her name on the back of his neck. He was so in love that it made him trust her every word. Before knowing Lydia, he was a playboy. He had many girls running after him. People call him Casanova because he once slept with many girls a day! But after knowing Lydia, he decided to change.

But he was wrong. He was blinded by her words. Lydia wasn't the girl he thought she was. A piece of huge news broke out from his brother that Lydia had been sleeping around with Chris' friends! Chris only knew 4 of them and confronted them. They denied it every time they were asked. Only God knows the rest!

Since the day Chris knew about the actual Lydia, he was never the same. He wanted Lydia to feel the hurt he got when he heard the news. Lydia didn't know that Chris knew about her doings. Since then, he did not even care about anything that Lydia was up to. He stopped showing interest in her.

The real him was somewhere inside, waiting to come out. He wanted to feel loved. He wanted to feel unique from a girl. He wanted someone who would do anything for him. He could only hope that one day there would be that special girl. And it would definitely not be the girl he tattooed her name on.

{ 4 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Ohhh wow Faith is pretty young. I understand what she means about not feeling a spark though. I've been there and done that... Sometimes no matter how much you love a person, the romantic feelings just aren't there no matter how close you are. Sometimes it's better to be friends.

    As for Chris... That SUCKS. I feel like a lot of guys turn to playboys after they get cheated on. It really hurts like hell to be betrayed AND he has her name tattooed on him. Poor guy... :(

    1. Yes , true ! Been best friends for too long sometimes we can’t change the friendship unless there were already feelings before .

      Anywhoo , thanks for giving my story a read !

  2. I'm Deafsimmer from the Sims Forums, checking in on your story. I decided to give it a look. Your storytelling is very good. Faith looks very pretty.

    1. Thank you ! I wish I can credit to the one that did Faith for me but it was too long ago and I can’t find it anymore ):

      Thanks for giving my story a read !


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