Monday, 4 June 2018

“Hey sweetie, wanna go for a walk?”
“Let’s go.” Faith leaves the bike by the pond. “We are coming back here, right?”
“If you want to,”

Chris leads the way.


 Chris breaks the silence.
“Ummm, so where’s your chalet?”
“The first lot, the big one,” Faith responds. “Yours?”
“Mine is two blocks away from yours. The bungalow.”

Throughout their conversation, Faith did not even look up to look at Chris.
She only takes a few glances at him but even so, she says, “You don’t look like you in your pictures.”

But you look hotter.

“Well do you wanna confirm I am me and look at my tattoos? That doesn’t change.” He laughs.

Faith rolls her eyes.
“So, what’s your story?” Chris asks.
“My story?”
“The other day when I asked but you were busy with your homework that you actually forgot about telling me.”
“Oh, that.” Faith sighs at the thought of what happened that day. “My brother knew about you. I mean he saw your photo and well, your inks. And he wasn’t happy about it. He never actually cared about my life, why must he act now?” Faith rolls her eyes.
Chris just laughs.

Silence once again.
Chris’ hand slowly move towards Faith’s hand.
Faith feels the touch but moves her hand away, slowly.
They sit back down near the pond.

Chris is slowly sitting down by the pond when he almost slips.
Faith pulls him by his hand and quickly lets go of his hand.
“That was on purpose,” Chris laughs. “Just wanted to feel your touch.”
“You almost gave me a heart attack!”
Chris laughs hysterically.

“Why are you so shy?” Chris asks, going close to Faith’s face.
“Of course, I am,” Faith covers her face. “This is the first time I meet you.”
“You don’t have to be shy with your own boyfriend, you know.”


Faith is still in disbelief that she has Chris.
“Well, I’ll be the first to be then!” Faith teases.

“Faith, where are you?” Nadia called. It’s almost midnight!”
“Midnight already ?” Faith pouts. “Alright, I’ll be there in a minute.”

“Miss Cinderella has to go?” Chris says.
“You can say that,” Faith pouts again. “Text me?”
“You know I will,” Chris winks.

Faith stands there speechless, looking down at the ground. Her heartbeat is racing fast and she doesn't know what to do after. Chris is observing her every move. He can sense how nervous she is. Her hair is tucked perfectly behind her ear exposing her soft cheeks.
Chris leans closer. His hand slowly moves to hold her hand but she moves her hand away.
“Why, Faith?” Chris whispers.
“I’m sorry.” Faith says.
“No, not him. It’s just I’m not ready yet.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I’ll hear from you later then?”

When she returns to the chalet, Nadia and Yani never stop pestering her about what had happened with Chris earlier on.

Since the day they met, Faith’s life became brighter than ever. She seems to have a smile on her face every day. Chris is her everything.

A month later.

There is a new girl in the school, Nina. Faith notices that she doesn't seem to like making friends or making an effort to even talk to anyone. Faith always sees her sitting on the bench next to her every recess time.

Her bottle drops on the floor and rolls towards Faith. Faith picks it up and passes it to her.
“Your bottle?”
“Oh, hey thanks,” Nina says.
“I’m Faith by the way,” Faith introduces herself.
“Nina,” She smiled. “You like to sit here huh?”
Faith chuckles. “Well, yeah.” Nina doesn't know what happened before she came to this school. Hence, Faith says, “I kind of like to sit here alone.”

Both start talking the whole recess time. Apparently, Nina doesn't like moving cause she has to make friends every time she moves. “What’s the point getting close to someone when sooner or later I’m going to move again?” Nina says. Her parents have business deals around the world. According to her, this might be the last move since her parents finally owned and delegated people they trust around the world to handle their business.
“Hopefully this is the real final move,” Faith says.

The bell rang, and they made their way to class.
“So where do you live?” Faith asks.
“In the city. Half an hour's drive from here.”
“But why did you choose this school?”
“My parents have these negative thoughts about the city teenagers.” Nina rolls her eyes. “Something about them being high maintenance and disrespectful. They don’t want me to be like that. Anyway, this neighbourhood seems nice and peaceful.”

Nina goes over to Faith's table after class ended.
“Want to go out after school?” Nina asks. “My parents won’t be home till like, six? And I hate to be home alone. Want to come to my place?”
“Why not!”

“Oh my god Nina, this is your place?!” Faith is amazed and runs to the window.
It is the highest building in the city. The view from her house was breathtaking.
“Well, it’s nothing much,” Nina says. “It isn’t that big though. I bet your house is bigger than this place.”
“But the view is, wow!” Faith sticks her face into the window.

Her phone has been vibrating in her bag since she reached Nina’s place. Chris has been trying to call her since she ended school.

Chris is frustrated. He looks at the time. It is 2:40PM.

Why is she not picking up my fucking calls?! She was supposed to end school forty minutes ago!

He smokes and smokes and smokes while he calls Faith.


He is pacing around in his room thinking about all the possibilities.
His thoughts go crazy when he thought that Faith might have another guy, but he is more worried thinking that maybe something happened to Faith.

He goes through her Friendster but there aren’t any updates or clues about her whereabouts.

Oh my god, Faith, it’s already 4, where the fuck are you?

“Let’s catch up with our homework first then we can watch a movie or something,” Nina suggests.

While doing their homework, when there is nothing but silence, Nina hears a soft vibration coming from Faith’s bag.

“Faith, I think your phone is vibrating,” Nina says.
Faith took her phone and saw Chris calling. “I’ll be right back.”

“Hello bab--” Faith is interrupted.
“Where the fuck are you?!” Chris raises his voice.
“I’m at Nina’s place, in the city.” Faith sounds scared.
“I called you for like a millionth times!” Chris’s voice is still angry. “Are you sure you’re at Nina’s place? Or somewhere else with a guy?!”
“I’m really at Nina’s place, I promise.”
“Why didn’t you pick up my calls then?!”
“It was in my bag.”
“Don’t you dare lie to me! I want you to go home now!”
“But we just started on our homework.”
“Now!” Chris hangs up.

Faith goes back into Nina’s room feeling confused.
“What happened?” Nina asks. “You seem afraid?”
“I think I have to go.” Faith says while packing her books into her bag.
“Now?” Nina pouts.
“Is everything alright, Faith? You don’t seem to look alright.”
“I don’t know. I just need to go home now.”
“Tell me about it tomorrow if you want to share it with me, alright?”
“Yeah, I’ll be alright.”

Nina senses that Faith is in danger. “Do you want me to accompany you back?”
“No, no, it’s fine.” Faith hugs Nina and left.

Faith takes a cab and hurries home.

She sees her brother while going up to her room.
“So, where did you go?” Farrell asks and gives stares at Faith.
“Mind your own business,” Faith rolls her eyes. “Dad knows where I went, so shut up, loser.”
“I bet he doesn’t know where you really went.”
“So where did I really go?”
“Lowest place in life I assume.”
“Get your facts right before you want to shoot me with lies.”

Farrell rolls his eyes and walks away.

Chris was texting her the whole way back home and asking her where she was every five minutes. She replied to him every time he asked. She was so scared.

She informs Chris that she is going to take the shower and she will text him back straight after.

Chris replied:
No! CALL me as soon as you are out of the shower!

Faith hurries to the shower.

Why can’t he just trust me?

“What is taking you so long?!” Chris shouts.
“I literally just got out of the shower.” Faith softly says. “I took the phone as soon as I saw you called.”
“Answer me first. Where were you just now?”
“I swear I was at Nina’s place.”
“I don’t need you to swear. Who is this Nina?”
“She’s a new girl in school and she needed me to accompany her.”
“Why does it take so long for you to reach home even when you took the cab?”
“She lives in the city.”
“What?! Do not go over to her place anymore.”
“I said NO.”

There was silence.

“So, you’re mute now?” Chris said.
“Can I change into my PJs?” Faith's voice sounds so scared.
“Do not hang up, I’ll wait.”

Chris knows that he was being a jerk. He knows that Faith could leave if she wants to. But he knows that Faith would not and that makes him feel in control. He isn’t the kind of guy who thinks before he does things. He lets his emotions control him.

There is nothing but silence on the phone.
Chris doesn't want to say sorry and Faith feels that there isn’t any reason for her to apologise.

Both are doing their own thing while being on the phone.

“Can I meet you tomorrow?” Chris breaks the silence.
“I have school tomorrow,” Faith says.
“I’ll fetch you from school.”
“Why can’t I? Chris asks. “Or do you have some other plans too tomorrow?”
“No, no.” Faith said. “I can meet you tomorrow.”
“Okay then,” Chris switches off his light and is getting ready to sleep. “I’ll text you tomorrow? Goodnight, sleep tight.”
“Goodnight, love you.”
“Love you.”

The next day.


“Finally, the school’s over!” Faith mumbles under her breath.
“Hey Faith, are you alright yesterday?” Nina appears beside her. Faith jumps. “Sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“It’s alright,” Faith says. “I’m alright by the way. Just that my boyfriend wanted me to go home and not be in the city. I don’t actually know what was so wrong about that but I think he has trust issues.”
“Oh,” Nina says. “Be careful, Faith.” Faith nods.
“So, what’s up after school?” Nina asks.
“He’s fetching me from school.” Faith grins.
“Aww man, I thought we could go out or something.”
“Sorry! I owe you one alright, Nina?”
“Okay then! Have fun, babe!” Both give each other a hug and Faith goes off.

There he is standing there on the pavement smoking. Every time Faith looks at Chris, she falls in love all over again.
He is like the perfection that she never had. Chris seems like someone who is very protective of her that could even take a bullet for her. But that perfection doesn't last long when he’s angry.

“I waited for you for so long!” Chris says.
“I just ended and I needed time to walk down,” Faith says, confused at his behaviour.
“Let's go, we are going over to my place,” Chris says.
“Now?” Faith says. “As in meet your parents?”
“Yes, why?” Chris looks at Faith. “Scared?”
“Isn’t it too soon?”
“Nope,” Chris doesn’t say anything else after.

Okay . . .

{ 3 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Ohhhhh, the chapter just came out today! Good to know it's not being abandoned.

    I'm interested in the story, excited for more. I hope he's not turning abusive...

  2. Awww Faith is shy just like me. I remember those times... It really is nervewracking to meet someone online that you really like and well... love.

    I really like Nina and think she's really cool and down to Earth. Chris really got out of hand in this chapter... I understand he has trust issues but he shouldn't take that out on Faith. I understand we all have our issues but he needs to work on that.

  3. For a part of this chapter, I felt like telling Chris to calm down. At the end of the day, he has his issues.


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