Thursday, 22 October 2020

“Hey Coach,” Faith walks up to her coach, Natalie, while holding on to her abdomen.
“What is wrong with you?” Natalie looks concerned. “You don’t look good.”
“I’m having so much pain in my stomach,” Faith fakes gastric pain. “I don’t think I can sit through the tryouts.”
“Are you sure?” Natalie asks. “You might not be able to compete in the upcoming tournament.”
“Yeah I understand, it’s alright, Coach.” Faith grimaces.
“Never mind, I’ve seen you play, I’ll put you in substitute,” Natalie says. “I’ll call you when any of the GA or GS is unable to play. Right now, you head home and rest.”
“Thanks, coach,” Faith answers and leaves.

After an hour bus ride, Faith finally reaches Chris’ place.

I’m outside.
Faith texts Chris.

Why are you here for?
He replies.

I ditched Netball to see you.
Faith replies.

Chris opens the door half-naked, hair waxed up and with a cigarette in his mouth.

Damn, he’s so hot.

“Hey,” Faith snaps out of her daze. “You’re going somewhere?”
“Yeah,” Chris looks hostile. “I thought you were at your netball tryouts. You didn’t inform me that you are coming either. So, I made a plan.”
“With?” Faith asks, looking wistful.

That tone of voice with that one-word question is all too familiar to Chris.

She thinks I’m going out with another girl. This will be interesting. I’ve never seen her jealous before.

“Why are you asking?” Chris smirks.
“Oh, I just want to know who, that’s all,” Faith shrugs, looking hopeful.
“With a friend of mine,” Chris says. “Do you want to come in or do you want to stand out here under the sun?”
“Aren’t you going out already?” Faith asks, walking in.
“Nah, I’m still getting ready.”

Faith just sits on his bed, waiting for Chris to get ready.

Maybe his “friend” might come here and go off together. I shall just wait.

Chris’ phone keeps vibrating the whole time when he is getting ready. Whenever there’s one coming in, he will look at his phone and laugh.

I wonder who that is.

From his peripheral view, he can see her looking at him whenever the phone vibrates.

She’s cute when she’s anxious.

“Oh, babe!” Faith remembers that she must change into her sports attire before she heads home so that her parents would think she is from Netball practice. “Mind if I change here? I need to change to my sports attire before heading home.”
“Go ahead,” Chris smirks. “Anyway, I’ve seen you naked.”
“Shut up,” Faith rolls her eyes.
She goes to the window and pulls his translucent curtains.

Faith takes out her sports attire and lay them on his bed. She turns around, unhooks her skirt, unzips it, and lets them fall to the floor. She then unbuttons her blouse and puts it down on the floor along with the skirt. She turns back around to take her sports attire but realised that Chris is watching her.
“What?” Faith looks at him with an innocent look.

“You did that on purpose,” Chris rolls his eyes.
“I did what on purpose?” Faith's forehead furrows.
“Putting your blouse on the floor just now and bending down like that,” Chris's eyes dart, promising a blush.
Faith was indeed clueless at first, but she catches on to what Chris is saying.
“Oh, you mean like this?” Faith bends down pretending to grab her uniform.

“You’re going to regret that!” Chris says and pulls her by her arm. “At least you already did half the work for me. All I need to do is to take both of your bra and panty off!”
“But your friend will be waiting for you!” Faith exclaims.
“I’ve already cancelled with my friend as soon as you took out your skirt.” Chris laughs.

They spent the afternoon together.
“Oh my god it’s getting dark,” Faith checks her phone. “It’s almost six! Your mother should be home now!”
Chris laughs, “No, she’s at my grandmother’s, sweetie.”
“But I need to head home,” Faith sighs. “I may be in trouble if I’m not home by seven.” Faith picks up her clothes on the floor.
“I really wish you don’t have any curfew,” Chris says.

Marc is in the living room when she reaches home.
“Hey dad,” Faith greets him.
“Go and take your shower and be back down here straight after that,” Marc gives Faith a stern look.
“Okay…” Faith drags herself up to her room.

Once she reaches her room, she checks her phone. There are 3 missed calls and 2 messages from Chris
: You’re home already? Why did you call and hang up?
: Can you call me back asap?

Faith speaks to Chris on the phone. Apparently, while she was on her way home, Chris received a call from Faith’s house number, and he thought it was Faith hence he answered and said ‘hello’. And whoever that was, hung up the phone a few seconds later.

“I-I think it was m-my dad,” Faith quavers. “I’ll call you back, soon. And to be safe, only answer calls that are from my phone okay?”
Faith hangs up the phone.

Faith spends way too long in the shower because she is afraid to face Marc.
As soon as she is done, she hears a knock on her door.
“Give me a while, I’m just done with showering!” Faith shouts to whoever was at her door.

“Hey dad,” Faith opens the door.
“Sit,” Marc says pointing to the chair. Faith is trying to see what was in Marc’s hand.
Marc waves them in front of her, “Whose number appears repeatedly on your phone bills, huh?” Marc fumes as Faith sits there in shock. “It was a boy who answered! Is there something I need to know about, Faith? You’re only fourteen! What now, you have a boyfriend? Speak up, Faith!”
“His name is Chris,” Faith finally speaks.
“How old is he?” Marc asks. “From the sound of his voice, I doubt that he is your age!”
“He’s… he’s…,” Faith quavers.
“He is WHAT, Faith?” Marc explodes.
“He’s… nineteen.”

“NINETEEN?” Marc fumes and storms out of the room.
Faith hears Zaily’s voice calming Marc down. Marc is still yelling away sounding disappointed in Faith.
Her phone vibrates beside her. Chris is calling.
“Now is not the right time, my-” Faith whispers into her phone.
“Are you okay?” Chris cuts her off. “What is all the yelling in the background?”
“My dad found out about you,” Faith answers. “I don’t know what to say to him.”
“Let me speak to him then,” Chris says.
“Are you sure about that?” Faith’s eyebrows furrow.
“Pass your phone to him,” Chris says.

Faith walks out of her room and sees Marc in the hallway.
“Err, Dad?” Faith quavers.
Marc's eyes narrow at Faith, “Stay in your room! I am not finished with you!”
“Chris wants t-to t-talk t-to you,” Faith extends her arm with her phone towards Marc.
Marc marches quickly and snatches her phone from her.
“Yes?” Marc answers with a stern voice. He looks at Faith with a lot of anger in his eyes and turns away. He goes up to his room to talk to Chris.

Faith goes back to her room.
She keeps pacing back and forth, worrying about what will Marc say to Chris.

I can’t lose Chris. Oh my god. I can’t, I can’t, I can’t!

Five minutes pass and it seems like forever.

At around fifteen minutes later, Marc knocks on her door.
“Here’s your phone,” Marc hands Faith’s phone back. Faith takes it and looked down, knowing that Marc still has something to say to her.
“This is me giving him a chance to prove himself on everything he said,” Marc puts his hands on his hips. “Your curfew still stands. Do not reach home past six on school days. Do you understand me?”
Faith nods and Marc walks off. She closes her door.

What did Chris say to Dad?

Faith lies on her bed and calls Chris.
“What did you say to my dad?” Faith exclaims.
“Just some things that a dad would wanna hear,” Chris laughs. “Don’t call me too long, your outgoing calls will pile up and he’s gonna be angry again. At least call me with your house phone if you’re at home alright?”
“Wow, suddenly you sound so brotherly,” Faith giggles.
“Tomorrow this brother wanna fuck you so bad,” Chris smirked. “We’ll see whether you’ll still call me your brother or your master.”
“Shut up!” Faith says. “Wait, tomorrow?”
“Yeah, I asked your dad for permission for us to head out tomorrow,” Chris answers. “Or more like staying in my room…”
“Luckily, I have nothing tomorrow,” Faith says.

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  1. Wow! That was a pleasant surprise. I didn't think Chris would speak to her dad at all but it's good that he did. Hopefully he is honest about whatever he said. At least they won't have to sneak around as much anymore. I understand why her dad is worried and angry but honestly... Parent need to realize that sometimes the more you tell your child "no" and restrict them from doing certain things, it makes them do it more or lie about it. It's good that he spoke to Chris and Faith was honest about his age. Can't wait to see what happens next. :)


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