Monday, 26 February 2018

Faitherine Swan

“Farrell, Faith!” Zaily yells from the kitchen. “Have you done packing yet? I told you kids to pack two days ago! See what I mean? I told you so!”

For Faith, there is too much to pack! Luckily, she isn’t the type that wears too much makeup. However, her hair straightener, her toiletries, and her clothes overfitted her bag.
“Mum, I need another extra bag please!”

“We are going to leave in 15 minutes,” Zaily shouted. “And if both of you are not ready by then, we are going off without you two.”
“Aww, Mum!” Faith and Farrell sighs.
“Cess, take the white bag in my closet and pass it to your sister,” Zaily says.
“Faith, we are not going on a holiday you know!” Cess teases.
“Shut up!” Faith shouts across the hall.

They reached the chalet and starts unpacking.
“Babe, where are you?” Faith calls Chris.
“Hey, sweetie. I’m at the hospital right now. A close friend of mine was involved in an accident.” Chris says.
“Oh my god is he alright?”
“Luckily he walked away with only a scratch. I’ll be there tonight, is that okay?”
“Of course, it is fine, babe.”

They hang up.

Seems like the day is going to feel longer than usual.

“Boo!” Nadia surprises Faith.
“Oh my god, Nad!” Faith hugs Nadia. “I miss you so much!”
“I miss you too! Oh, you know what kinda session we are gonna have later. . .”
“Boys talk!” Both screams.

"I've got something to tell you," Faith blushes.
Katrina, Nadia’s mother, walks in.
“You, kitchen and you, table, now.” She appoints Nadia and Faith to each task.
“Muuum!” Nadia sighs. “We’ll talk when Yani arrives!”
Nadia and Faith wink at each other and drag themselves to set up the food before the party.

At about 9PM, Faith receives a text from Chris.
“Hey Sweety, wanna meet me now?”
“Oh my god, you are here already?”
“Well, yeah. Aren’t I late? Why do you sound like I’m too early?”
Faith giggles.
“Anyway, I’m at the park near the chalets with my friend.”
“Alright, I’ll be there in a minute.”

Faith finds Nadia and pulls her aside.
“What’s happening?” Nadia is shocked.
“You wanna talk about boys right?” Faith says.
“Well, yeah. But Yani went to buy some drinks and I-”
“We’ll tell her later. But now, I want to bring you somewhere.”
“Whe-” Faith drags her out.

Christopher Hamilton

“Dude, what if she’s one heck of a big ship walking here and not like what you see in her pictures?” Eric said.
“Shut up man. At least I have someone, what about you? And who cares if she’s fat?”
He is more excited than nervous about meeting Faith.
At any minute now, she would go up to him and say hello. Chris met tons of girls, but the feeling he has for Faith is different. Not because he is nervous. It was because he is afraid. He is afraid that Faith will change her mind after meeting him.

“Hey look,” Eric nudges Chris. “That’s some hot chick there. Is that her?”
Chris follows Eric’s gaze and sees a lady walking and calling out someone’s name and another blonde lady. “Which one?”
“Dude, I won’t be calling that blonde hot right? That other one, with the black sexy dress.”
“No that’s not her,” A kid then appears running towards her. “You’re sick man! That’s that kid’s mum!”
“Should I head there and ask whether she’s a MILF?”
“Fuck off man.”

“Who cares?” Eric said. “She’s dam-”
Eric diverts his gaze slowly at a girl behind Chris, “Dude, she’s behind you.”
“What? Your “hot chick” mum?” Chris rolls his eyes.
“Just turn around!”

It seems like the world just stops around them when their eyes meet.

“Umm, hi”
“Hello,” Faith giggles. “This is my cousin, Nadia”
“Oh umm, he’s Eric, my best bud.”
There is an awkward silence till, “Do you wanna sit somewhere?” Chris asks.
“Yeah, sure, anything.”

Faith’s heart was racing.
Chris and Eric lead the way while Faith and Nadia walk a few steps behind them.
“Faith, you have a lot to talk about!” Nadia whispers. “I didn’t know you have a cute guy in your life!”
“Correction, boyfriend.”
“What?” Nadia exclaims in a low voice. “You seriously have loads of things to tell me later!”

From the distance, they hear Chris’ voice.
“Oh no, no, no, you are the idiot that has to jump into that pond.”
Everything is too awkward for them.
Chris finds a seat near a pond and sits with Eric. Faith and Nadia join after.
Chris and Eric are messing with each other while Faith and Nadia just laugh at the sight of them.

Faith’s phone rings and “Mum” is reflected on her phone screen.
“Hold on, I need to take this.”

“Hey Mum,” Faith says.
“Where are you? It’s almost 10.” Zaily says.
“I’m at the park just outside the chalet’s fences.”
“We are cutting the cake now, hurry on here.”
“Alright Mum, be there soon!”

“Hey, I got to go.” Faith sighs.
“So soon?” Chris asks.
“Well, yeah, it’s my dad’s birthday and we are cutting the cake soon.”
“Text me?”
“Of course!”

Faith doesn't know how to say goodbye to him. Should she hug, or kiss? Or just plain wave?
Chris stands up and awkwardly brushes his shirt and pants off and looks at Faith.
“Umm, see you later?” Faith says.
“Uh, yeah. Uh, text me alright?”

Well, Faith does the latter.

“She’s THAT decent,” Eric says.
“How did you think she would be?” Chris rolls his eyes.

Chris takes out his phone and texts Faith.
“Baby, could you meet me again later?”
“I’ll find a way,” Faith replies.

“You seem happy,” Eric teases.
“Fuck off,”

Faitherine Swan

Faith and Nadia walk into the chalet, laughing.
“Where did you girls go?” Yani pouts. “I was finding the whole place for you till I had to ask Auntie Zaily where you both were.”
“No wonder my mum called me,” Faith says.
“Yani, this young woman has a lot of explaining to do!” Nadia pinches Faith.
“Ow, Nad!”

While the celebration is going on, Faith is planning her way to go and meet Chris.
“Earth to Faith!” Yani yells. Faith shakes her head and turns to Nad and Yani.
“As I was saying, you knew him through online chatting and found out that he has tattoos so what makes you so convinced that he is what he said he is?” Yani asks.
“He sounds sincere. Like you know that your guts trust him.”
Both looks at Faith.
“What?” Faith raises her eyebrow.

“Girl, you are in looove!” Nad and Yani laugh.
“Shut up!” Faith blushed. “I don’t know yet.”

Faith looks around to make sure that no one could hear their conversation.
“Girls,” Faith whispers. “I need you to accompany me for a night cycle.”
“But why are we whispering?” Yani follows Faith’s whisper.
“I need my parents to see us going out together so that they will allow us to go for a night cycle. But I am going to meet Chris. Come back and fetch me at the pond nearby in one hour after I separated from both of you.”
“You sure about this?” Nadia asks. “Hold your phone near you and call us if he tries anything stupid.”
“Don’t worry, he won’t.”

“Dad, I’m going out for a night cycle with Nad and Yani!” Faith shouts.
“Be careful and don’t come back too late!” Marc shouts back.

“Let's go girls.” Faith winks.
"You really sure about this, Faith?" Nadia asks again.
"Nad, please?" Faith says. "I need you there."
"Oh, alright."

Faith drops off her bike when she sees Chris.

“See you, girls, later.” Faith waved to her cousins.
“Be careful, dear.” And they cycle off.

Again, her heart is pounding. She sees Chris looking at her. She smiles shyly almost tripping on her foot.

“Hey sweetie, wanna go for a walk?”

{ 1 comments... read them below or add one }

  1. Awww so many butterflies. This was so cute. :) Like I said before this brings back a lot of memories for me. It's smart that Faith brung her cousin with her to go meet him. It was a little awkward but really cute.


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