Tuesday, 29 September 2020

[To my readers, you would notice in this chapter that there will be changes to Chris’ house. This is to show the difference between Chris’ life to Faith’s life. I’m trying to depict the story as close to real life however it’s hard because from where I stay, an apartment can cost close to a million dollars. Hence, I put it in the size of the lot form to show how different Faith’s life and Chris’ life are. I hope this helps.]

“Today is a school day, why did your parents give you this much?” Chris questions as Faith opens her purse.
“Oh well,” Faith hesitates, “My parents saved up for me at the start of last year and I told them I kind of want to spend it today ‘after school’, so they gave it to me.” Faith air quotes on ‘after school’ and zips her purse. She turns around to avoid facing Chris and puts it back in her bag.
“So, do you want to get ready now or do we have time for one more?” Chris smirks while pulling down his boxers.
“Of course, we definitely have time for one more,” Faith giggles.

Faith pulls Chris closer and puts his in her mouth. She feels it growing big and hard inside her mouth.
“Sometimes I can’t believe that I’m your first because the way to do it in your mouth is like-,” Chris moans as Faith went faster, “I’m coming!”
Faith suddenly moves away and looks up at him. Chris gives her a puppy look and says, “Why did you stop?” She laughs at how she can control him that way.

The next thing she knows, she is slammed onto the bed and Chris is pinning her down. “Who’s laughing now, huh?” Chris smirks.
He pushes his fingers all the way in. Faith moans and raises her haunches. He works his fingers in and out. He turns her around on her stomach and pulls her hip up. Faith gets the hint of the position he wanted and arches her body like a cat on a stretch. He jostles a bit until he is inside her. Faith moans a little too loudly as Chris thrusts into her. Her insides feel too good that he comes soon after.

“That was fast?” Faith giggles.
“Shut up,” Chris rolls his eyes, “You’re still tight. And what I’m about to say is not a pick-up line whatsoever but you are my first virgin girlfriend.”
“Not anymore,” mocks Faith. Chris pins her down again and starts tickling her. “STOPP! We. Need. To. Get. Ready!” Faith laughs.
Chris gets off her and heads to the bathroom.

Faith takes her phone and texts Marc:
Dad, my phone’s dying. I’ll be walking around the city for a while. Gotta find something. Love ya!

She switches off her phone straight away.

They hop onto a cab straight to the city.
Faith is only fourteen and all she ever needed was new clothes and nothing else. She rarely wears make-up. Chris on the other hand bought the new PSP* and a few branded clothes and shoes.
They are having so much fun and Faith isn’t thinking of the consequences she might face when her parents find out. 

[*It was 2007, PSP WAS new!]

“It is almost nine, Faith,” Marc scowls.
Faith closes the door behind her. “Sorry dad, I took the bus home at seven, but it was peak hour in the city.”
“Were you really alone?” Marc asks, as his eyes narrow towards Faith.
“Yeah, yeah, I am,” Faith stammers, “I mean, who, who would I be with? Nina can’t go out with me today. Hence, I, I, went alone.”
“If you say so,” Marc gets up, “Don’t forget to charge your phone next time,” He then walks up to his room.
Faith lets out a sigh of relief. Her stomach growls. She goes to the kitchen and gets some food up to her room.

She switches on her phone.
“Dad, dad, Nina…” Faith mumbled while going through her inbox, “Oh, Chris!”
Hey sweetie, thanks for the awesome things you bought for me. Call me as soon as you got out of the shower. Love you.

She takes out all the new clothes from her bag and hangs them in her closet.


“Faith, we are leaving for a wedding dinner,” Marc knocks on Faith’s door.
Faith pulls open the door, “Who’s going?”
“Only me and your mum,” Marc says as he adjusts his tie, “Your brother went out to play soccer at four just now. Left with you and your two little sisters.”
“Well, alright,” Faith goes back into her room, takes her phone, and goes out of her room.

While heading to her sisters’ room, she overhears her parents’ conversation.
“I don’t remember wearing them recently,” worries Zaily as she prepares her purse, “Have you seen them anywhere?”
“No,” Marc replies, “You must have put it somewhere else when you wore it the last time. Can’t be someone actually stole-,” And then there's a pause.
“I don’t think she would even do that again,” Zaily says.
“We’ll find them after the wedding alright?” Marc says as the front door closes behind them.

Faith’s heart was pounding so fast.

I need to be distracted… I need to be distracted…

She opens her sisters’ door and sees them playing.
“Faith, help me draw,” Francesca waves her drawing paper in the air.
“No, hep me!” Ashley says as her finger points to herself.

Her phone rings while they are playing with Ashley’s toys.
“I’ll be right back, you girls just stay here alright?” Faith says to her sisters.
She goes out of the room and picks up the call.
“Hey, darling, whatcha up to?” Chris asks.
“Hey, I’m watching my sisters,” Faith says, “What about you?”
“Still stuck at work,” Chris sighs, “When can we see each other again?”
“I need to look through my school schedule,” Faith says, “Probably on Tuesday?”
“That’s like three days from today!” Chris exclaims, “I miss you already! Can’t we meet on Monday at least? I’m off on Monday. Would be boring if I were to stay home all day!”

Ashley comes out of the room asking for her shorts.
“Faith, ma shot faw dow,” Ashley babbles. Faith looks down and giggles. She put her phone between her shoulder and ear.
“Come here, I’ll tie up your shorts for you,” Faith says.
“I want you to untie mine,” Chris chuckles over the phone.
“Shut up!” Faith giggles. Faith tells Ashley to get back in and that she will join her soon.

“I have Netball practice on Monday,” Faith pouts. “I can’t skip that cause the coach is going to do the selection for the upcoming tournament.”
“Can you skip that for me?” Chris asks. “If you are selected for the tournament, you’ll be busy, and I won’t be seeing you at all.”
“Please Chris,” Faith pleads. “I really want to be in the tournament.”
“Fine, whatever.” Chris hangs up the phone.

Faith tries calling him back multiple times, but Chris keeps rejecting the call.

Urgh, not again!

{ 2 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Chris really needs to respect her more. He reminds me of one of my exes and not in a good way. Faith really needs to use protection with him... She's only 14 and has so much more of her life ahead of her. Her mom is going to find out eventually that she stole her earrings. I hope you continue to post more chapters. I'll be waiting. :)

  2. She's very young, still, and Chris should loosen up instead of disrespecting her.


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